The Triangle - How Could You Lyrics
12:16 AM
The Triangle - How Could You Lyrics
For all the things that you said,
For all the lies that we pledged.
For all the very best days,
How could you do this to me?
The things we did to stay sane,
The walks we had in the rain,
The places we used to hate,
How could you do this to me?
Oh well, look at me now,
I’m falling in pieces.
I don’t know what to do now,
I’m lost within this fire.
Oh well, look at me now,
I’m falling in pieces.
I don’t know what to do now,
I’m lost within this fire inside me.
For all the love that we shared,
For all the times that we bled,
For all the paths we walked down,
How could you do this to me?
Your laughter under the stars,
The times you slept in my car,
The people we made fun of,
How could you do this to me?
Oh, look at me now,
I’m falling to pieces.
I don’t know what to do now,
I’m lost within this fire inside me.
Pada Desember 2010 lalu, akhirnya Riko bersama dua temannya melahirkan band yang dia sebut bergenre indie rock, The Triangle. Di The Triangle, Riko tidak menempati posisi gitar, tetapi pada bas, sedangkan posisi gitar diisi Fikri salah seorang personel Vincent Vega. Sebagai front man alias vokal dipercayakan pada Cil yang tidak sengaja ditemukan Riko pada kegiatan Open Mic di kafe miliknya Beat n Bite. Selain tiga personel inti, The Triangle juga dibantu Koi (drum), Agung {keyboard), dan Tommy (trompet).
Baru dua bulan terbentuk, The Triangle sudah memiliki sepuluh materi mentah yang akan termuat di album pertama mereka nanti. Dari sepuluh materi mentah tersebut, empat lagu di antaranya sudah jadi yang telah diperdengarkan pada perhelatan Sunday Afternoon with Mocca”, di JBs Hyatt, akhir pekan lalu.